
Publisher: Human Settlements Regulatory Commission [ All ]

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  Title Copies
HSRC AO No.1 Adopting the rules of procedures for meetings of the Human Settlements Regulatory Commission 
Year: 1985 
HSRC AO No.2 Approving the rules and procedures to govern the conduct of hearings before the Human Settlements Regulatory Commission 
Year: 1985 
HSRC AO No.3 Adopting the organizational structure and functions and jurisdictions of full-time comissioners 
Year: 1985 
HSRC AO No.8 Delegation of authority to the commission secretary to issue interlocutory orders on cases appealed to the commission proper and ratifying all previous orders/actions already issued by him 
Year: 1985 
HSRC AO No. 21 Rules and regulations for commercial subdivision and commercial condominium development 
Year: 1985 
Series: Series of 1985 
HSRC AO No. 15 Approving the rules and regulations of sawmill, rice, and corn mill, poultry and piggery, funeral parlors/memorial chapels, mortuaries, cockpits, public market, and industrial subdivision 
Year: 1985 
HSRC AO No. 16 Adopting rules on the applicability of P.D. 957 to sales of subdivision/condominium lots/units entered into prior to P.D. 957 
Year: 1985 
HSRC AO No.9 Approval of supplementary guidelines to implement Batas Pambansa Blg. 220 
HSRC AO No. 20 Rules and regulations governing applications for locational clearance/development use permit/land transaction approval 
Year: 1985 
HSRC AO No. 13 Ratifying Executive Committee Resolution No. 58-A, Series of 1983, amending Section 18 of the rules and regulations on application on advertisement for approval  
Year: 1985